Concession 6 Studio,
Uxbridge Ontario Canada
Custom projects and stuff our own home
First came the Kentucky stick chairs... a relatively simple way to make a beautiful and useful product out of skid wood. Watching the wife trying to put wheelbarrows full of apples from our 10 trees through a juicer and a "mehu-maija" led to an apple scratter and cider press. A cutting board for the wife as an anniversary gift. End tables big enough to accommodate stacks of bedtime reading. So many more things to make - if only there were more time!
Size and finish can be customized $300 to $400
size and finish can be customized. base price $300 to $400
custom ordered edge grain table with black (painted) base
custom ordered edge grain table with black (painted) base
Custom order retirement gift! A shadow box with pegs to display gold-plated tools
custom order - a bed frame made of reclaimed pallets, stained with Jacobean
custom sized crates for niece's wedding decorating
custom bed frame - made from reclaimed pallet wood.
headboard of custom bed frame - made from reclaimed pallet wood.
It was supposed to be a custom order but it turned out to be a lesson in wood expansion and contraction; Now in use at the family cottage!
Anniversary gift - wife loves it.
anniversary gift - wife loves it!
kentucky stick chairs - testing out the prototypes. We love them. And we're not little people...
grinding up apples for cider
harvest table in progress
cider press - we make our own apple cider. husband found it painful to watch wife using a juicer :)
matching bedside tables for home.